Certified Quality
Particularly in times of food scandals and an increasing public awareness of food issues it is important to guarantee the highest possible food quality that also stands up to close inspection. We work together with leading quality control laboratories to ensure first-class food products that are subject to permanent monitoring and inspection, and consequently stand for certified quality. All stages of the process chain– from production and the supply chain to delivery – are subjected to our quality control measures in order to ensure the highest possible quality and safety of all food products at all times.
We are certified: ISO 9001
We successfully met the challenge to a controlled Quality Management System and are certified according to DIN ISO 9001 in the present version.
Being certified ensures that we have implemented the principles of our quality system and have full control of our quality standards.
Focussing on quality criteria is a strategic decision for Intertrade Sigurdsson & Partner GmbH in favour of increased focus in particular on you, our partners, and in the spirit of continuous improvement of our business.
Iceland Responsible Fisheries
In recent years, demand for sustainable use of renewable resources, including fish stocks, has increased greatly throughout the world. Sustainability is almost becoming a key word in seafood industry. Sustainable and responsible fisheries management in Iceland is of a fundamental importance as fisheries are one of the main pillars of the Icelandic economy. The seafood industry is meeting demands of seafood buyers for sustainable use of marine resources with Iceland Responsible Fisheries programme, developed on the basis of commitments made through national law and international agreements.
More Info: www.responsiblefisheries.is